
Silver and Black crocodile leather sticker for cell phone

Silver and Black crocodile leather sticker for cell phone

I have never see such gadget before, it looks like crocodile leather and the texture feels good. Even though I never touch the skin of a real crocodile before. Silver crocodile leather? Such a rare color. I like rare things because it makes distinctive from those mediocrity.

The silver crocodile leather sticker at first gives an impression of metal-like material, such as Aluminium Alloy. Once you take a close look and it's easier to find the veins is crocodile leather. 

The Black crocodile leather looks it's a cell phone housing at the first sight, since it's very easy to see black color cell phone accessories. Own such a leather sticker will give you a good chance to show off to those who have black mobile cases or housings. The leather sticker is apparently a new gadget.

Below product is produced by Daqin 3D custom mobile skin system:

